Our International Identity

Our identity

CSI is an interconfessional Christian human rights group, campaigning for religious liberty and human dignity, and assisting victims of religious persecution, victimized children, and victims of catastrophe.

CSI is an NGO with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Vision and principles

Every person should be able to practice their faith freely, and without fear. Since its foundation, CSI has derived its vocation from two biblical texts and the UN Declaration of Human Rights:

Biblical and human rights principles

  • “For we are all baptized by one Spirit  so as to form one body… If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 13, 26
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan: Luke 10: 25-37
  • The UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public of private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

International structure

Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has its international headquarters in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, and national affiliates in the USA, Switzerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Hungary and South Korea.

CSI’s highest governing body is the International Council. CSI is additionally supported by an International Advisory Council.

International Management:

Dr. John Eibner (Chairman and International President, top left); Simon Brechbühl (top right); Joel Veldkamp (bottom left); Markus Weber (bottom right)

International Council delegates:

Monika Kahancová; Angélique Gourlay; John Eibner; Zsolt Bánki; Rev Kim Hyung Joo; Peter Märki; Rev Gerald Bell

International Coordinating Committee members:

John Eibner; Peter Fuchs; Angélique Gourlay; Markus Weber; Martin Halef; Monika Kahancová

International Advisory Council members:

Msgr. Obiora Ike, Nigeria; The Hon. Pascale and William Warda, Iraq; Dr. Nabil Antaki, Syria; Msgr. Michael Nazir-Ali, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Habib Malik, Lebanon; The Hon. Sarah Ochekpe, Nigeria; Prof. Dr. Mariz Tadros, Egypt/UK; Vishal Arora, India; Godfrey Yogarajah, Sri Lanka; Yamini Ravindran, Sri Lanka

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