Join us for the 6th Annual Denver Freedom Walk, “Free for Fifty Campaign”! Freedom Bringer and Founder of Free for Fifty, Becca Bretz has been supporting CSI and has been a champion of our cause for Freedom for 6 years. Supported by our friends at Green Mountain Presbyterian Church in Lakewood, CO, and Reverend Heidi McGinness, CSI Director of Outreach, Becca’s annual events have freed 1,200 enslaved Sudanese!
In Sudan, violent jihad has touched hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese… families torn apart, kidnapped, terrorized, and forced into jihad slavery. Because of donors like you, CSI is freeing, feeding, and healing tens of thousands of our brutalized and enslaved brothers and sisters held in North Sudan and returning them home to South Sudan to family, community and church.
Make a donation here … all donations will be pledged for Slave Liberation; a $50.00 donation will free one suffering slave.
Thank you for being a modern day abolitionist, and God bless you. Together we’re able to be His hands and feet… standing for justice and freedom for those terrorized, victimized, and enslaved because they are Christian and black South Sudanese.